Other Ways You Can Help

Making this film has been a massive undertaking for all who have been involved. As we enter the final stretch to get the film finished (hopefully by the end of 2013), there is still much to do and we’d love your help.

Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

  • Host a Theater Screening in Your Town – read our volunteer post to discover how you can bring the movie to your home town.
  • Research – If you like spending time on the internet, maybe you could help us by collecting data about homeschool bloggers, groups and organizations, so we can add them to our list. We want homeschoolers everywhere to know about our film.
  • Fact checking – If you’re a stickler for accuracy, we’ve got a number of statistics and factual information in the film and it would be great to have it cross-checked.
  • Graphics – Do you or your kids have experience with After Effects or Photoshop? Can you create motion graphics or still graphics? We’ll need title cards, lower thirds and other graphics for the finished film.
  • Marketing & Distribution – We want to make sure the film gets out to as wide an audience as possible. If you’ve got great ideas for how to help with this, we’d love to hear from you.
  • Screenings – Once it’s done, we’d love to hold screenings around the country. If you’re part of a homeschool group, or co-op, or want to see the film in your local independent theater, we’d love your help setting up screenings.


So if any of these ideas interest you and you think you can help, please send us an email, join the team and be credited in the film!